Who We Are
We are a group of homeschool families seeking to enhance our home education experience through the opportunities and support of a Christian homeschool group. We are an organization run by a volunteer board of directors. It is our desire to be a valuable asset to new and continuing home educators alike.
(Pre-K through Grade 6)
Classes meet 24 times – the first three Mondays of the month (with occasional exceptions) offering a-la-carte classes for children ages 4th-6th grade.
Jr. High (7th-8th Grade) and
High School (9th-12th Grade)
Classes meet 30 times a year on Mondays offering a-la-carte classes for 7th-12th grade students.
Service Teams
Service Teams
Every member’s involvement and cooperation is what makes the co-op function efficiently. We encourage and require active participation in our group, so please join ONLY if you are interested in becoming fully committed. With a team approach to getting things done, we enjoy a strong and bonded sense of community with room for vibrant growth.
All Journey members are required to be part of one service team and will serve all year in one designated area of the co-op. The number of times you are required to serve changes from year to year and depends upon the number of classes in which your children are enrolled as well as the number of families registered in the co-op. When you register, you will complete a Service Team Form where you may indicate your preferences for where you would most like to serve. This helps us try to place people in areas where they may have gifts and where they would most enjoy serving.
Service Teams
Statement of Faith
I. We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, the supreme and final authority for all faith and life.
II. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
III. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, and atoning death through His shed blood. We also believe in His bodily resurrection and ascension and His imminent bodily return in power and glory.
IV. We believe that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is therefore lost, and only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ alone can be saved.
V. We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose substitutionary death on the cross paid the penalty for man’s sin.
VI. We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict man, indwell, guide, instruct, and empower believers for Godly living and service.