10th -12th
1hr long class.
30 class sessions.

About the Class
1 Peter 3:15 says “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you”. Apologetics is the study of the truth of Christianity in order to understand it better and be able to explain it to non-believers.
In the first semester we will be using Understanding the Faith as our main text to study the fundamental truth claims of Christianity and how to present this truth to unbelievers.
We will use Understanding the Times in the second semester to study and compare non-Christian worldviews in order to understand them better and be able to present the Christian worldview as the best option.
Besides the two main textbooks we will read articles from sources of Christian apologetics like Answers in Genesis and discuss them in class. There will be weekly reading assignments with study questions and a few written essay assignments.
Textbooks: Understanding the Faith by Jeff Meyers (copyright 2016) and Understanding the Times by Jeff Meyers and David A. Noebel (copyright 2016).
NOTE: There are several editions of this book that are all different. You will need the latest (2016) edition of this book.
These books are currently available for $29.95 each if purchased new at