7th - 12th
1hr long class
30 class sessions

About the Class
Course Overview
Welcome to the beginning string class designed for students in grades 7 through 12! This course introduces the fundamental skills needed to play the violin, viola, and cello. With a focus on building a strong foundational knowledge, students will learn essential techniques and explore the joy of making music individually and as part of an ensemble.
Course Objectives
Left Hand Technique: Learn the basic positions and movements of the left hand essential for playing notes correctly on the fingerboard.
Bowing Technique: Develop proper bow hold and control to produce clear and consistent sounds. Understanding the relationship between bow movement and sound production will be emphasized.
Music Note Reading: Gain the ability to read and interpret musical notation, which is crucial for personal practice and ensemble playing.
Scales and Basic Theory: Focus on mastering the D and G major scales, which are fundamental for beginning repertoire and understanding basic music theory.
Beginning Repertoire: Learn and perform simple pieces that reinforce the techniques being studied, providing a rewarding and motivating learning experience.
Focus on Hymns and Orchestral Music: Explore great hymns by renowned composers and highlight famous orchestral compositions that showcase the string family.
Performance: Perform for family and friends during our December and Spring Showcases.
Expectations for Students:
Regular Practice: Consistent practice is essential for skill development. Students should engage in regular practice sessions at home to reinforce class learning.
Active Participation: Active participation in class is required. This includes not only playing but also engaging in discussions, group activities, and performances.
Course Benefits
This course is designed to not only teach the fundamentals of string playing but also to foster a love of music and ensemble playing.
Students will:
Develop a solid foundation in playing technique that prepares them for more advanced study.
Gain confidence in reading music, which will aid in all their musical endeavors.
Experience the satisfaction of playing music both solo and in groups, enhancing teamwork and communication skills.
Through this comprehensive introduction to strings, students will leave the class with a clear understanding of basic techniques, the ability to play simple songs, and a foundation for lifelong musical enjoyment and learning that will allow them to “fan into flame the gift (of music) that God has given them!” 2 Timothy 1:6
1. Instrument Rental: Students are expected to rent or provide their own instrument (violin, viola, or cello.).
Instruments are available to rent or purchase through All Strings Attached in Stillwater or Brickhouse Music in
River Falls
2. Please purchase Essential Elements for Strings Book 1 for your specific instrument.
3. Portable music stand.
4. Shoulder rest (violin and viola) Kun or Everest brand preferred.