About Jeana
Jeana Andrighetti NEW TEACHER - Elementary Physical Education
I am so excited to be bringing Physical Education for 1st and 2nd graders at the Journey! When I am not at The Journey, I am at home(in our tiny home on wheels!) with my three young kids doing homeschooling, hiking with my family or enjoying a good book with a cup of (hopefully hot, but usually cold) coffee. I am a certified Sports Nutrition Specialist with NASM and working towards a degree in Biblical Counseling and Theology through Liberty University. I fully believe that God created our bodies to be active and for us to feel well and alive in them. A few of my goals for the class is to teach your child leadership and kindness in sports (lose gracefully, taking turns, etc.), how to use our bodies and our energy for good and productive ways and new games to play with parents/siblings!! I am looking forward to a fun year with you all!